Tourism Partners

Collaborate with Visit Ithaca

The Ithaca/Tompkins County Convention & Visitors Bureau (Visit Ithaca) promotes visitor-ready accommodations and attractions across Tompkins County. Our staff promotes leisure travel, group travel, supports meeting planners, and operates two Visitor Centers -- we are here to inspire overnight visitation, and to help people make the most of their time while exploring Ithaca and Tompkins County.

Advertising and Marketing opportunities:

Travel Guide Advertising and Co-op Programs for 2025 (deck + form)

Ithaca Loves Teachers Sponsorship Prospectus 2025 (deck)

2025 ad reservation & sponsorship form (form only)

Marketing resources:

Small Business Offer Ideas for Ithaca Loves Teachers

Connect with Visit Ithaca (PDF)

Mobile pass programs:

Waterfalls Challenge Poster (PDF)

Art Seek Poster (PDF)

Farm to Fork Tourism Partners

Agriculinary Microgrant Program

Microgrants of up to $2000 will be available to farm, agriculinary businesses and restaurants looking to start new agriculinary enterprises or to market or expand existing enterprises. The purpose of the grant is to help kick start new farm ventures or expand existing ventures, with a focus on initiating or expanding visitor-ready tourism opportunities in Tompkins County.

2024 Microgrant Application (PDF) -- applications are closed for 2024.
Rolling applications accepted until April 1, 2024 or until grant funding is expended. 

2024 Microgrant Final Report Template
Due December 1, 2024. Requires photographs and invoices.

Have questions about Farm to Fork or Agriculinary related programs? Please contact Peggy Coleman at